
Everyone comes into an interview (or reads a resume) with some sort of bias on board. It's important to know the biases you have and be aware of them while considering potential candidates or even as the candidate interviewing with a company. What d…

Everyone comes into an interview (or reads a resume) with some sort of bias on board. It's important to know the biases you have and be aware of them while considering potential candidates or even as the candidate interviewing with a company. What do you do to counteract yours?

One easy thing I do is not pay attention to the name of the candidate until after I review the rest of their resume. You may also have less significant but still unhelpful biases- like I know I often prefer PM candidates with experience over a PMP. I have a short list of questions to check myself- "am I judging this person negatively because ____?"

If you feel you don't have any bias, I urge you to reconsider. Our brains are wired for bias- meant to help us make faster, safer choices. Check out the Harvard Implicit Association Test. The only way to try to make sure you aren't allowing your bias to influence your decision-making is awareness.


3 Steps to Interview Prep


Play the Long Game