What Question to ask at the end of an interview, by your Enneagram Type
New Enneagram Series! I like to talk to candidates about what they're going to ask at the end of the interview, because it's their chance to evaluate if the company, hiring manager and role are a good fit for them. It can feel awkward, especially if you have a full day of interviews and you want to ask different interviewers unique questions. So, with that in mind, what question might each type want to ask at the end of an interview?
As 9s ramp up into a new role, it is helpful for them to know what kind of support is available, and what the plan looks like. It's especially important for them to know who they can reach out to for any questions they have, and what to expect regarding initial deadlines. This is a question you would want to ask the hiring manager, and it can be very revealing if they don't have a solid answer. It's a good sign if their response is tailored to what they can already tell you might specifically want or need support with when ramping up.
Are you a 9 who has asked this in an interview? If you don't know your enneagram number, I recommend learning more about it. I've especially enjoyed @suzannestabile 's podcast and books, as well as The Enneagram of Belonging by @chrisheuertz .