Personality Types
I've always been into the "What kind of X are you?" type of quizzes, or personality type tests. (I hear this is a Millennial trait 😂)⠀I think at first it was comforting to know I fit in somewhere. Over time, I found it fun to find others who were "like me" or who could be compatible because of these types. Now, I use this information to help myself grow beyond the stereotypes.
It's easy to just put yourself in a box and say, "I'm an INTJ," 🙋 and then follow the articles and quizzes that tell you what to do as that type. But you may be holding yourself back from reaching the goals you've set for yourself, or finding new aspects of yourself and your life you really enjoy because "an INTJ doesn't like/do/act like that".
Here are some ways I use personality types without holding myself back:
⭐Laugh at all the memes, and feel validated or comforted that there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way I do.
⭐Use it to acknowledge and work on my blind spots. What are aspects of myself I should be more aware of, and how can I improve my life and relationships with those around me by paying attention? (this also comes in handy when preparing for interviews!)
⭐If I find myself playing to type, or resisting something, I challenge it. What beliefs do I have that are potentially holding me back?
The very first step is finding out what "type" you are, but the larger impact comes from how you use that information. What's your go-to personality type test? My recent favorite has been the Enneagram, and I think it's because it's so complex, and acknowledges that it's not black and white. How have you used knowing your type for self or life improvement? Let me know!