What Values Make You Angry?

When you aren't sure where you might need to put in some work, a good place to start is to check in with your emotions. Most companies interview based on values that are important to both the role and the company. Are there any values you can think of where you would be angry or defensive a company wouldn't hire you because of your personal perspective or experience? 😡 Do you find yourself thinking it's silly that a company would hold onto one of these values so strongly?

When you find one of these values, ask yourself why the emotion that's coming up for you is so strong. Is this an area you can grow or become more experienced in? Is there anyone in your life who might have a good perspective on why it's challenging for you and how you can shift your mindset? Is it so much of a dealbreaker for you that you need to find a role in a company that doesn't prioritize that value?

These are just a few examples of the most common values companies use for interview questions. If you want to check out a longer list to identify any triggers, do a quick search for common values or personal values, print off a list and take note of how each makes you feel (if anything). Are there any that are triggering for you? Let me know!

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